189 results found for Blogs .

Yomim Tovim

Purim Chocolate LollyPops

Recipe: On a low flame mix some Enjoy Life Chocolate chips with a drop of oil. Put it into chocolate molds like the one below Keep in fridge or freezer to harden. Silicone Chocolate Lollip

Gluten Free Sushi Rice Cholent

The below should be enough to feed at least 5 people. Ingredients: 1 small onion chopped 2 potatoes cut into big cubes 2 to 3 pieces of club steak 1.5 cups of sushi rice 1.5 Tbs salt

Cotton Candy Dye Free Candy Option

Do you want to make a party for your child but you are so limited in what to serve? Buying a commercial cotton candy machine is the best investment. Pour in regular cane sugar and you have a delici

Egg Free Cookies (option with or without Gluten)

Recipe: 3/4 cup of sugar 1 1/3 Cup of brown sugar 3/4 cup of oil 1/2 cup of oat milk 1 tsp. of vanilla extract 2 3/4 cups of flour (can be oat or regular flour) 3/4 cups of gluten

Gluten Free Hotdogs and Rice

Ingredients: 1 cup rice 2 cups cold water 5 Gluten free Chicken hot dogs Pinch of Salt Pinch of black pepper 1 Tbs Oil Ketchup Directions: Place rice and water in round pan. Add spices and

Gluten & Egg Free Muffins

Ingredients:   1 cups oat flour 1 cup of Gluten Free Oats 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup oil 1/2 cup applesauce unsweetened  2 tsp baking powder 1/4 cup soy milk 1/4 cup of Enjoy Life