Dairy, Gluten & Egg Free Cheesecake Dessert

Thank you Shifra and Chana for helping me perfect this recipe.



1 package Graham crackers (Kinnikinnick Gluten Free S'moreables, Graham Style Crackers)

2 to 3 Tbs of margarine

1/4 cup brown sugar

1 pareve creem cheese (wayfare or tofutti)

1 cup cane sugar if using wayfare brand cream cheese. If using tofutti, you don't need so much sugar

1/2 tsp lemon juice

1 Tbsp corn starch

1 tsp vanilla extract

Small chocolate bar

Optional: pareve sour cream



Crumb layer: blend up the graham crackers, and add the brown sugar and margarine. Pour mixture into a pan and bake for around 10 minutes.

Cheese layer: mix parve cream cheese, sour cream (if used), corn starch, lemon juice, vanilla extract, and sugar (if needed)


Scrape the chocolate with a peeler and put on top.