13 results found for rosh-hashona .


Egg & Gluten Free Gefilte Fish

Thank you Sora L. for this delicious recipe.   Ingredients: 1 lb ground white fish 2 T water 2 T sugar 1/2 t salt dash pepper   Beat with mixer for 5 minutes or un
Yomim Tovim

Apple crisp recipe no eggs with klp margarine:

Thank you Yocheved and  S.T. for this delicious recipe.   Apple layer: 6-8 apples sliced 3/4 sugar  1/4 c potato starch 1/2 tsp cinnamon  Mix and place in pan

Egg Free Yapchik

This recipe makes two round pans   Ingredients: 8 Potatoes 2 pieces of club steak 1 Onion 3/4 Cup of boiling oil 1/4 Cup Boiling water 1 Tbsp of salt 1/8 Tsp Pepper

Butternut squash muffins (can be egg & gluten free)

Thank you Rachel K. for this delicious recipe 1 jar baby food squash 1 egg ( can use 3 Tbs. simply eggless ) 1/2 c sugar 1/2 c flour (can use king Arthur) 1/4 c oil 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/

Gluten free cholent

Thank you Sarah Gittel for sharing this delicious recipe.   Ingredients 1 Onion Cholent meat stew 1 piece Chicken on the bone Marrow bones 1 cup short grain brown rice Few c

Heimisha Kishka:

Thank you Chavi for this delicious recipe   Ingredients : 1/2 cup oil 3-5 Tablespoons sugar  1/4 teaspoon salt 2 cup flour (1:1 gf baking flour) 3/4 cup boiling water