Shavuos Sorbet

Thank you Chantzy Weinstein for sharing this delicious recipe from your Instagram page @ChantzW and to Bassi A for coming up with adorable Shavuos mold idea.



6 cups water

3 cups sugar

1 cup lemon juice

6 cup dark grape juice



Mix the water and sugar together and cook on a low flame until the sugar dissolves. Add the lemon juice and grape juice. Bring to a boil and turn off the flame. Wait until it is completely cool then pour into two 9X13 pans and freeze for 8 hours or overnight. Remove from freezer. Scoop the ices into a food processor fitted with the metal S blade. (You can put on gloves and break it by hand) In small batches blend until it's creamy and a lighter color. For an even creamier consistency, you can repeat this step of freezing and blending for a second time. Divide into molds