175 results found for Blogs .


Quinoa Banana Muffin - Nut, Egg & Potato Free

Thank you Chana B. for this delicious recipe. Ingredients: Just under 1/2 cup quinoa plus 1/2 cup arrowroot (this quinoa/arrowroot combination is the replacements for 1 cup of flour which is usu

Egg, Nut, & Potato Free Chocolate Cake

California Gourmet Fudgy Brownies Adapted to be egg and potato free Ingredients: In place of 3 eggs use : 3/4 cup seltzer, 3 tsp olive oil, 4 oz starch (15 Tbsp), 1 tsp. baking soda and 1 tsp

Sweet Potato Cookies

Ingredients: 2/3 cup of sugar 1 1/2 Tbsp Vanilla sugar 5 Tbsp Oil 1/2 cup Pureed sweet potatoes * 1 cup plus Tbsp potato starch 1 tsp baking powder Directions: Mix all ingredie
Seasonal and Environmental Allergies

How To Get Relief From Your Allergies

Many people suffer from seasonal or environmental allergies. Symptoms can include runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion. It can make you feel miserable especially when you are outdoors. Here are some

Chocolate Bars & Lollipops

Recipe: On a low flame mix some allergy free chocolate chips with a drop of oil. Put it into chocolate molds like the one below Keep in fridge or freezer to harden. Silicone Chocolate


Gefen brownie mix or chocolate cake mix 6 oz applesauce 1/4 cup oil 1/4 cup potato starch Mix and bake 350 till toothpick comes out clean. Center always falls - best made in small pans so that th